Confederate Rose
"A beautiful picture. Love the buds framing the left side of the flower. The colors a very vibrant and exciting. Great Picture."
"This is a very nice close up. The color is nice and rich and you did a good job getting the texture of the petals to show so well. I like the framing too."
"A truly beautiful photo.You feel like you want to reach out and touch tis flower and smell it. Beautiful texture and nice lighting."
"This is a beautiful rose. The textures are really outstanding. The pink against the green is a nice complement of the colors. I also like how in the left hand side of the frame just off the rose you can see tiny new buds peeking out. Very crisp and clean. No change is necessary. Thanks for sharing."
"This is so delicate and beautifully captured. The pink seems to float on it's green background. Your focus and depth are nicely done. I am from South Carolina. I completely appreciate this photo dedication."
"Beautiful shot. The petals look like a wonderful soft fabric that a southern belle would wear to a ball. Thank you for sharing this one."
In Sync
"This is one of those photographs that just takes you there...You have captured the freedom of movement that these beautiful animals have mastered for years. I especially love the wind blowing thru their manes. Good Job!!"
"That photo is definitely a 'one in a blue moon' shots. The horses are very much in almost the same position, and that makes this look very interesting. I love the color contrast of horse on horse on horse as well. Great shot!"
"I like that you captured the motion of the horses and have good detail in their mains and nice color. The horse in foreground belies your title. However, technically it's a good shot."
"This is a great shot. Great focus and color. You captured their movements really well. I would have been nice to see more of the front horse though to make this photo more complete. Its good work though. Thanks. :)"

Hurricane Ivan Himself
"Good composition, it does look like a prize fighter in the ring, putting up its dukes!"
"This is a great cloud formation you've captured - the cloud on the right, (to my right), looks like he's raising his fist. Nice clear shot - you can just feel the storm coming. My only complaint - the utility lines. Nice job though."
"Nice capture! It kind of does look like it could be Ivan doesn't it? He wanted to let you know he was coming! Nice job!"
"What a powerful shot. I'm not sure what those lines are in the photo. Love the light behind the clouds. Thanks for sharing"
"I agree about the power lines. The problem with this type of shot is that you don't have the time to worry about that sort of thing. You might possibly have found a spot where you could avoid them in the photo, but if you are in a city it isn't likely. Weather is fickle and it doesn't stay put until you find a good spot to photograph it. Those who get the great shots without modern power lines, etc. are just lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. This is a great shot and I just wouldn't worry about the power lines. It makes me glad I wasn't there."
"Your work is very good. In all my years teaching, I've never seen someone with such an eye! You really should reconsider many of those shots you delete. I'm very impressed!"